WKC presents “Odour Modelling Assessments – Challenges & Considerations” at the Cape Town NACA Seminar, February 2019

WKC recently presented on the challenges of assessing odour emissions at the National Association for Clean Air (NACA) in Cape Town, South Africa. The seminar was held on the 28th of February, 2019 in front of numerous guests including NACA affiliates, regional industry, and other seminar sponsors. NACA is a non-profit organisation that was established on 21 April 1969 to promote the cause of clean air in South Africa. Today NACA is the primary technical and scientific non-governmental body in the area of air quality management in South Africa.

WKC Group, as one of the event’s sponsors, sent one of its Partners, Marc Blanché, as a keynote speaker to deliver a presentation entitled “Odour Modelling: Challenges and Considerations” in order to provide insight on key issues relating to odour modelling and assessment. Air dispersion modelling defines the relationship between the emission source and the receptor however, odour measurements can be challenging. Unlike other air pollutants, it is very difficult to verify compliance with nuisance odour standards by monitoring odour concentrations due to their inherent variability.

Air Quality, Odour, Environmental Consultant
WKC’s Marc Blanche Presenting at NACA 2019

In his presentation, Marc used various examples to emphasise the subjective and transient nature of odour as well as the complications surrounding inventory development and modelling. Marc further emphasised the lack of standardised assessment methodology and regulatory guidance, particularly in RSA. The presentation concluded with some helpful tips on how to overcome the challenges arising from different odour modelling and assessment situations.

The organisers and attendees appreciated WKC’s well considered presentation, indicating it was; “interesting, informative and certainly proved valuable”.

This presentation is available for download by request from enquiries@wkcgroup.com. For more information on our air dispersion modelling and related air quality services, visit our air quality services page.

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