Environmental Consultancy UK
With offices in London and Leeds we provide technical environmental consultancy for planning and permitting applications throughout the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland. Built upon the foundations of sound engineering, WKC works across multi-sectors with a diverse client base; from operators in the energy and renewable sector, FEED and EPC contractors, through to architects and developers for urban renewal and regeneration projects.
Popular Services in the United Kingdom (UK)
Flagship Projects in the United Kingdom:
We are continuously evolving our range of services to fulfil the growing regulatory requirements of our clients.
Pilling Noise Modelling and Section 61 – Sheerness, Kent
WKC undertook a noise modelling study using SoundPlan to predict the likely impact from pilling operations of a new marine berth. The noise modelling study was to support the Section 61 application, which WKC also prepared.
Air Quality Screening Assessment and Air Quality Construction Plan – Doncaster
WKC was commissioned to perform an air quality assessment for a 171 key residential new build development. The focus was to determine the air quality classification of the development and conduct a damage cost appraisal for pollutants NOx and PM10 using the DEFRA IGCB Air Quality Damage costs. The study was supported with a detailed Air Quality Construction Management Plan
Air Quality Assessment and Air Quality Action Plan – Glasgow
As part of the planning process, WKC undertook an Air Quality Assessment and Air Quality Action Plan for a residential redevelopment in the centre of Glasgow city. A qualitative assessment of construction impacts associated with fugitive dust and PM10 emissions was carried out in accordance with the Institute of Air Quality Management (IAQM) guidance, which informed the necessary measures proposed to mitigate these impacts. A baseline analysis of the area surrounding the proposed development was also undertaken to characterise ambient air quality, which included 5 years of measured data from the DEFRA online air quality information resources.
Air Quality Screening Assessment for Stack Height Determination for an Asphalt Facility – Sheffield
In support of the operation permit, the facility was required to demonstrate adequate dispersion under normal operating conditions for the emissions of Particulate Matter (PM10 and PM2.5), which is regulated in terms of the UK Ambient Air Quality Standards (AAQS). WKC conducted the Air Quality Screening study to demonstrate adequate air dispersion during normal operating conditions of the plant.
UK to the World:
In addition to these projects, our UK team has also provided our popular services in the following regions:
KOSPO Wind Farm Noise and Shadow Flicker Assessment – Jordan
WKC undertook a verification assessment for noise and shadow flicker associated with an operational wind farm located in Jordan. The noise analysis encompassed a two-week baseline survey to establish ambient noise levels at varying wind speeds. The assessment was undertaken in accordance with the ETSU-R-97 guidelines, involving an examination of the noise impact on nearby noise sensitive receptors. The assessment for shadow flicker utilised industry-standard software aligned with guidelines from the UK, Germany, and Australia, as well as those of the World Bank Group. This software was employed to model the wind turbines and forecast potential adverse effects of shadow flicker on nearby sensitive receptors.
Air Dispersion Modelling Study for a Polylactic Acid Production Plant – Illinois, USA
WKC undertook an Air Dispersion Modelling (ADM) study as part of the environmental permitting process for the facility during the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) Project. The emissions from the Project were assessed in a cumulative context with available baseline data. Ground concentrations levels at sensitive receptors were compared directly with the assessment criteria. The preparation of the ADM study was in accordance with federal US EPA and state-level IEPA requirements.
Noise Modelling Study for a Plastics to Liquids (PTL) facility – Pennsylvania, USA
A predictive noise analysis of high noise-emitting equipment associated with the future operation of the Project. Noise impacts expected to arise from Project activities were assessed with respect to effects on nearby Sensitive Receptors (SRs), as well as boundary noise limits. SoundPlan noise modelling software was used for the study.
Kungrad 1.5 GW Visual Wind Farm Assessment – Uzbekistan
WKC were commissioned to undertake a visual impact assessment in accordance with the assessment criteria of Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA). A computer-generated zone of theoretical visibility (ZTV) was used to identify the theoretical extent of wind turbine visibility. Subsequently, landscape photographs were captured at specific viewpoints where the proposed wind turbines could be visible. Photomontages were crafted by integrating these photographs of current views with computer-generated images portraying the envisioned wind turbines. In instances of identified adverse visual impacts, various mitigation measures were recommended.
Click here to read more about our Projects in the UK.