Wind Farms and Shadow Flicker Assessments

Growth in wind power has been profound over the recent years. In year 2000 there was a global production of a mere 31 TWh. Now, this value had risen to in excess of 1,862 TWh, and the trend in this growth is expected to continue.

WKC has a significant track record of the systematic evaluation of wind power noise following established international guidelines. We offer the necessary and robust baseline assessment, screening (for relatively small or remote projects) and full acoustic modelling using internationally recognised modelling systems. We have conducted studies across Europe, Africa and the Middle East for private as well as World Bank funded Projects.

Our assessments are guided by the World Bank Group / International Finance Corporation’s (IFC) ‘Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines for Wind Energy’ as well as the local regulatory requirements. The guidelines provide good international industry practice and supports ETSU-R-97 in the measurement of background noise levels for the determination of noise limits at identified noise sensitive receptors.

Our services include:

As well as wind farm noise prediction assessments we also provide modelling services for shadow flicker assessment using (WindPro). Shadow flicker is the flickering effect caused when rotating wind turbine blades periodically cast shadows through constrained openings such as the windows of neighbouring properties.

Click on the links below to view the full list of our noise and vibration services: