Saudi Arabian Permitting Support Tool


WKC Group has developed PAPs (which normally include Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies) to the requirements of the RC Environmental Regulations (RCER2015).

The RC was established by Royal Decree in the 1970’s with a remit to develop world class industrial facilities for tenants while maintaining the highest environmental standards. The RC has successfully developed Yanbu and Jubail, and more recently commenced development on a third Industrial City at Ras Al Khair.

At the heart of the permitting system for industrial facilities is the Permit Application Package (PAP). This is a mandatory submission as part of the planning process which requires a combination of engineering and environmental knowledge to successfully prepare.

The PAP process is supported by submission of an Environmental Scoping Report followed by an EIA Report, a Best Available Techniques (BAT) Assessment, Air Dispersion Modelling Study, and Noise Modelling Study. We offer all studies necessary for permitting internally.

To find out if a Permit Application Package (PAP) is required, complete the following questionnaire. It’s quick and easy. And of course, if you need some assistance, feel free to contact one of our friendly consultants to help you find the answer you need.